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The Rio Bajuco property is a wooded oasis at a serpentine twist of the Rio Bajuco, located only 10 minutes from David and the Enrique Malek International Airport, and only 3 minutes from the new Federal Mall, which happens to be the second largest mall in all of Latin America! This is a growing location in Chiriqui Real Estate, and as suburbs of David continue to sprawl, this property will maintain it’s charm.
Prime Chiriqui Real Estate wrapped by 2 rivers in the ever developing and modernizing Algorrobos District.


Pasture grass


A perfect blend of nature and convenience. The 2.4 hectare property is shaped like a butterfly and surrounded on 3 sides by river, the shores of which are buffered by a protected green belt. This unique natural feature promises that the property will remain the eco-gem that it is today, no matter how quickly the area develops around it. Access this private property via its very own concrete bridge, and arrive in sprawling pasture land maintained for years by a small heard of cattle. The Property was appraised in August 2023 at a value of 295,000 USD.
The Rio Bajuco Property is perfect for a Housing Development:
The options are endless, the property is large enough for an 8 unit micro estate, with a private nature walk along the common-ground river front and there is ample space for an outdoor kitchen or clubhouse to serve the future community. The one of a kind figure eight shape of the property would allow each home waterfront- and an existing easement has already been approved, one big step closer to getting the project rolling.
The Rio Bajuco Property is perfect for a Private Family Compound:
Close to schools and malls and hospitals, this private property has an element many suburbian lots lack, access to nature!

Proximity to town


Sweet water source


Rio Bajuco Urban Island
USD 250,000
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ID: 0143
Date added:
Lot size:
2.4 hectares
Los Algarrobos, Chiriqui
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Plage de la tortue Drago cote nord d Isla Colon
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Plage de la tortue Drago cote nord d Isla Colon
La propriété de Drago Turtle Beach est parfaite pour : une école de la nature ou des excursions éducatives.
Faites équipe avec le Smithsonian, le Panama Field Study ou le Turtle Conservancy. Venez nombreux ! Pour admirer les merveilles de la jungle et de la mer.
La propriété Drago Turtle Beach est parfaite pour : Une retraite dans la jungle
De nos jours, les voyages sont synonymes d'expériences, les jours où l'on se fait cuire la peau sur la plage sont révolus... Offrez à vos invités des souvenirs qui dureront toute une vie, en apprenant le cycle de vie des tortues et en soutenant 1 tortue sur 1000 qui survit pour accomplir son rituel de nidification.
La propriété Drago Turtle Beach est parfaite pour : Les défenseurs de l'environnement
Le vert est le nouvel or 🙂 .
Si vous aimez la propriété Drago Turtle Beach, veuillez consulter la page Conservation de Roots Real Estate Panama.
Exterior Features


Pasture grass


Il y a une clairière près de l'océan avec une structure de rancho construite sur une fondation en béton, et nécessitant un nouveau toit. Cet emplacement offre une excellente vue sur l'île Bird, ainsi qu'un endroit pour des pique-niques au bord de la mer, ou des ateliers de conservation des tortues ! À pa