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Been Building Castles in the sky? Here’s your chance to make those dreams come true… with a heavenly view of endless ocean on Avalon de Azuero’s “Sky Terrace”.
Almost literally- a building platform in the sky, you’ll feel afloat on this gorgeous Ocean View Lot, of 6823 square meters or 73000 square feet. The area that has been cleared and graded, is the largest building site in the Avalon de Azuero development, 1700 m2 (18,200 sf) is ready for the construction of your regal dream home, complete with astonishing views. Located at an Elevation of around 182 meters or 600 feet above sea level, the lot is close enough to hear the waves break on the beach below. The views are truly tremendous and unblockable. Road, water and power are included in the sale.
Please see Lot#7 of Hillside Terraces in the Gallery for relative location.

City electricity

City water

Club house


Licences and Permits


The home sites of Avalon de Azuero are located just past the quaint fishing village of Bucaro, after Tonosí and before Guanico and Cambutal. Bucaro and neighboring Guanico are towns in transition, evolving from little fishing villages into off-the-beaten- path gems like Cambutal and Playa Venao. In these authentic villages you’ll find no through traffic, just peace, quiet, ocean breezes and awesome views. The nearby town of Tonosí provides groceries, construction materials, banking, mail, police, fire and medical services including a hospital.
Excellent paved public roads bring you to the entrance of the Avalon de Azuero project. Within the project, roads are well constructed 25 feet (8 meter) wide primary, 20 feet (6 meter) wide secondary gravel all-weather roads. The driveways are 15 feet (4.6 meter) wide.
The Avalon de Azuero community is within minutes of the beach, in an area which is known for excellent fishing and world-class surf spots. Each lot in the community has excellent ocean views and a cool breeze blows down from the mountains in the dry season and off the ocean in the wet season. This the ultimate location for your tropical escape plan.
The communal beachfront includes a protected beach which is great for swimming and kids, a calm ocean area which is appropriate for water skiing, SUPs, kayak, boogie board and other water sports, a rocky shoreline with tide pools, waterfalls and small bay private beaches. The community has a beachfront rancho with electricity, lights and a shower plus a boat ramp accessible for a nominal annual fee.
Most of the lots at Avalon de Azuero are already graded and can be adapted to suit your home design, as the developers are open to participate in the coordination of your build. As a retirement home, vacation retreat or an investment, this is an opportunity you won’t want to pass up.
With a 10% down payment the developers of Avalon de Azuero will finance the remainder with 6% interest.
The Sky Terrace with Ocean Views at Avalon de Azuero is DISCOUNTED TO $104,250 UNTIL AUGUST 27, 2021!

Gated community

Jungle view

Ocean view

Proximity to beach

Road Access

Do you love the view of the Sky Terrace of Avalon de Azuero, but just wish there was more space? Lucky for you the adjacent lot is also available at a discounted rate. See Roots Real Estate Panama’s 6963 m2 Corotu Ocean View Lot at Avalon de Azuero.

6823 m2 Sky Terrace Lot at Avalon de Azuero
USD $104,250
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ID: 0052
Fecha agregada:
Tamaño del lote:
6823 m²
Avalon de Azuero, Tonosi
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Plage de la tortue Drago cote nord d Isla Colon
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Plage de la tortue Drago cote nord d Isla Colon
La propriété de Drago Turtle Beach est parfaite pour : une école de la nature ou des excursions éducatives.
Faites équipe avec le Smithsonian, le Panama Field Study ou le Turtle Conservancy. Venez nombreux ! Pour admirer les merveilles de la jungle et de la mer.
La propriété Drago Turtle Beach est parfaite pour : Une retraite dans la jungle
De nos jours, les voyages sont synonymes d'expériences, les jours où l'on se fait cuire la peau sur la plage sont révolus... Offrez à vos invités des souvenirs qui dureront toute une vie, en apprenant le cycle de vie des tortues et en soutenant 1 tortue sur 1000 qui survit pour accomplir son rituel de nidification.
La propriété Drago Turtle Beach est parfaite pour : Les défenseurs de l'environnement
Le vert est le nouvel or 🙂 .
Si vous aimez la propriété Drago Turtle Beach, veuillez consulter la page Conservation de Roots Real Estate Panama.

City electricity

City water

Club house


Licences and Permits
