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Located just off main street, the property is one row back from waterfront and a few doors down from the leading marine tour and water taxi office. Being kitty corner to the Police station, adds a feeling of security and this property is a short walk to the island’s airport. Central to the restaurants, bars and surf shops of Bocas’ down town core, this is an ideal place to rent for vacationers and locals alike.
Built in the colorful Old Colonial style, this charming Bocas Del Toro Apartment building adds to the architectural flair of the town attracting visitors from all over the world.

City electricity

City water

Club house

Fully furnished

Water Filtration







Affordable long term rentals have meant this property has stayed fully booked and well maintained. There are currently seven units, and potential for an 8th. On the ground floor there are two commercial spaces, one of which is home to a new restaurant, the other is the local private mail box/delivery service, ideal for the Digital Nomad and other tenants. Upstairs, the 5 residential units are fully furnished and each have either new or recently serviced air conditioning. An 8th ground floor back unit would complete the pack. The two top units have ocean views from their terraces, and overlook Bocas town.
The building has undergone some great improvements over the last two years, it has a new roof, new filtered gutters, new awnings, new water tanks and an advanced water filtration system for rain and city water, new laundry, security video and mesh internet. It has been recently freshened up with a bright paint job. Owner or professional management is a breeze with the accounting service across the street.
The home base for many an eco adventure, Bocas Town is steps from the Airport and the financial hub of the Province. A charming downtown strip of restaurants with waterfront patios, surf and dive shops, wilderness tour centers and nightclubs, you can find it all in this eclectic town.
Catering to a health savvy community, more and more grocery stores are answering the call for organic selections, and fair trade options and finding what you want is no longer an “island life” deference. The conscious market, for example, is a beautiful showcase of artisanal products made with love in the Archipelago.
All this to say Bocas is not only a town for tourists, it’s home to creators, nature lovers, and a rich collision of cultures who come together over the love of such a unique place.
Rental income

City view


Ocean view

Proximity to beach

Road Access

Proximity to town

The Bocas del Toro Apartment Building is perfect for your Tropical Investment:
Dreaming of an island investment, but can’t get your business-oriented-mind to comit to a project off grid? Call us to chat cap rate! Business on the bottom, 100% occupancy on top!!

Bocas del Toro Apartment Building in Old Colonial Style
USD $695,000
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ID: 0023
Fecha agregada:
Tamaño del lote:
600 m²
Bocas Town, Isla Colon, Bocas del Toro
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Plage de la tortue Drago cote nord d Isla Colon
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Plage de la tortue Drago cote nord d Isla Colon
La propriété de Drago Turtle Beach est parfaite pour : une école de la nature ou des excursions éducatives.
Faites équipe avec le Smithsonian, le Panama Field Study ou le Turtle Conservancy. Venez nombreux ! Pour admirer les merveilles de la jungle et de la mer.
La propriété Drago Turtle Beach est parfaite pour : Une retraite dans la jungle
De nos jours, les voyages sont synonymes d'expériences, les jours où l'on se fait cuire la peau sur la plage sont révolus... Offrez à vos invités des souvenirs qui dureront toute une vie, en apprenant le cycle de vie des tortues et en soutenant 1 tortue sur 1000 qui survit pour accomplir son rituel de nidification.
La propriété Drago Turtle Beach est parfaite pour : Les défenseurs de l'environnement
Le vert est le nouvel or 🙂 .
Si vous aimez la propriété Drago Turtle Beach, veuillez consulter la page Conservation de Roots Real Estate Panama.

City electricity

City water

Club house

Fully furnished

Water Filtration







Il y a une clairière près de l'océan avec une structure de rancho construite sur une fondation en béton, et nécessitant un nouveau toit. Cet emplacement offre une excellente vue sur l'île Bird, ainsi qu'un endroit pour des pique-niques au bord de la mer, ou des ateliers de conservation des tortues ! À partir de là, le terrain s'élève rapidement, les arbres deviennent gigantesques et la densité de la jungle engloutit les anciens sentiers qui y conduisaient autrefois.
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