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Sheltered from the big waves of mighty Bluff Beach, the retreat center is nestled in its own garden masterpiece, home to howler monkeys, sloths and toucans. Only a lifetime devoted to landscaping and propagating such an array of fruit trees, palms and colorful flowers has produced such a result. Concrete paths light up at night and lead to each of the center's buildings, virtually invisible to each other, thanks to the lush foliage of the garden.
The Bluff Beach Retreat sits on one oceanfront hectare with 100 meters of beachfront. Buffered from the great waves of the mighty Bluff Beach, the retreat center is nestled in its own garden masterpiece, home to Howler Monkeys, sloths and toucans. Only a lifetime of landscaping and propagating such a great array of fruiting trees, palms and colorful flowers could achieve such a result. Concrete paths light up at night and lead to each of the center’s buildings, virtually invisible one to the other, thanks to the lush foliage of the garden.
The option to expand exists! Adjacent to the developed hectare is a newly constructed driveway which connects the Bluff Beach Road to a 2 hectare hill behind the hotel. This back portion of land has already been extensively landscaped, and the ocean views from the hilltop are absolutely stunning. Comparable land in the area is being sold for 200$ per m2. The 2 hectare hill top will only be available with the purchase of the hotel.
Situated on Bocas del Toro’s most beautiful beach, this retreat center is ideal for large yoga groups or family vacations. Immaculately kept, the timber frame architecture offers both rustic charm and luxurious comfort.

solar system

rain water collection

Accès routier


Municipal Electricity



staff housing


The buildings were designed in the Colonial style of architecture that once dominated Isla Colon, honoring the style and cohesive experience that the local government is working hard to maintain. The flair of the buildings is introduced by natural materials like the buildings timber framing, log posts and beams, and live edge bars. While the exterior of the buildings blend beautifully with their surroundings, the interiors boast clean lines to define the separation from the great outdoors. The structures sit on concrete slab foundations, the ground levels are concrete block and the second stories are made of exotic hardwood framing and tongue and grove siding.
Built between 2006-2017, the Retreat Center has grown organically, and is now comprised of 5 buildings, all connected by lush garden paths. The Beach House is the heart and soul of the property with a 14 seat long table and the resort’s kitchen. The space is versatile and can be rented to a single family, but serves wonderfully as the retreat common space. With the pool in its front garden, it has 2 poolside rooms each with their own bathrooms, and 2 bedrooms and bathrooms upstairs where the kitchen and dining space are located.
La Playa Casita is a 2 story 3 bedroom/3 bathroom home. There is a large garden floor bedroom with 3 double beds and one bathroom, and covered patio. Upstairs is a covered veranda, a full kitchen and living room, and 2 mirrored bedrooms each with their own bathrooms. Behind the garden suite room are the rain water collection tanks, the solar system, a large wine celler/food storage, and a massive room for housekeeping materials and laundry.
The Yoga Studio is a large open air platform surrounded by the mature garden, and with glimpses of the sea. The platform is 7x10 meters and fits up to 20 yogis. Discreetly tucked beneath the studio is an apartment for the managerial staff.
The Massage Studio is a mini version of the Yoga studio, a haven of relaxation hidden in the garden. Open air as well, this space has canvas curtains for ultimate privacy, and a built in massage table.
La Pina Casita and the Las Palmas Casita are 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom cabanas with their own kitchens, living rooms and covered front porches.
Recently Isla Colon was connected to the hydro electric power of mainland Bocas del Toro, this allowed many of the off grid neighborhoods to connect to the new system. Now that electricity is available to Bluff Beach, it will allow for exciting new possibilities for future development. The Bluff Beach Retreat has connected to the new power grid, but also boasts an extensive solar system with several battery banks, 100 solar panels.
175,000-liter rainwater catchment system of above ground tanks and a large concrete cistern serve the development. Each home has a UV filtered water system which allows guests to drink straight from the tap. For internet the hotel has recently installed Starlink high speed satellite internet.
Fruit Trees



Close to Airport

Close to Hospital

Rental Income



Beach Hotel
Bluff Beach Retreat
USD 3,750,000
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Date added:
Lot size:
1 hectare
Playa Bluff, Isla Colon, Bocas del Toro, Panama
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Plage de la tortue Drago cote nord d Isla Colon
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Beach Hotel

Plage de la tortue Drago cote nord d Isla Colon
La propriété de Drago Turtle Beach est parfaite pour : une école de la nature ou des excursions éducatives.
Faites équipe avec le Smithsonian, le Panama Field Study ou le Turtle Conservancy. Venez nombreux ! Pour admirer les merveilles de la jungle et de la mer.
La propriété Drago Turtle Beach est parfaite pour : Une retraite dans la jungle
De nos jours, les voyages sont synonymes d'expériences, les jours où l'on se fait cuire la peau sur la plage sont révolus... Offrez à vos invités des souvenirs qui dureront toute une vie, en apprenant le cycle de vie des tortues et en soutenant 1 tortue sur 1000 qui survit pour accomplir son rituel de nidification.
La propriété Drago Turtle Beach est parfaite pour : Les défenseurs de l'environnement
Le vert est le nouvel or 🙂 .
Si vous aimez la propriété Drago Turtle Beach, veuillez consulter la page Conservation de Roots Real Estate Panama.
Exterior Features

solar system

rain water collection

Accès routier


Municipal Electricity



staff housing


Il y a une clairière près de l'océan avec une structure de rancho construite sur une fondation en béton, et nécessitant un nouveau toit. Cet emplacement offre une excellente vue sur l'île Bird, ainsi qu'un endroit pour des pique-niques au bord de la mer, ou des ateliers de conservation des tortues ! À partir de là, le terrain s'élève rapidement, les arbres deviennent gigantesques et la densité de la jungle engloutit les anciens sentiers qui y conduisaient autrefois.
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solar system