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Chosen as a birthing place by Humpback whales from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, this Pacific Island Paradise is a sacred place to many creatures. Known to some as “the lost coast,” the Gulf of Chiriqui is becoming better known every year, with day trips to Islas Bolanos, fishing charters, and whale watching tours launching from the town of Boca Chica ... but few humans know the extent of the Archipelago's beauty and secret charms. This exciting property offers a glimpse into the best the area has to offer, with multiple bays and beaches, elevated view points and fresh water, it is truly one of a kind.


Located on the South West corner of Isla Parida, the land has been used to raise cattle for more than 50 years. In 1994 the surrounding 150 square kilometers of delicate marine eco systems including coral reef, mangroves, seagrasses and around 24 islets became protected by the state and was announced as National Marine Park and Preserve, securing its place as one of Earth’s treasures. This massive 142 hectare swath of land is Titled, and offers the incredible opportunity to own and develop within the protected marine park of the Gulf of Chiriqui.

In part because of the land’s previous deforestation, panoramic views can be seen from a variety of elevated points, which can each be wonderful building sites- the highest of which is nearly 60 meters above the Pacific Sea. The coastline draws an intricate view as layers of craggy cliffs jut out between sandy beaches which vary in color from white sand to sparkling volcanic black. Facing the sun’s path to the horizon, views are endless, and on clear days you can see as far as Islas Ladrones.

From the third beach, where boats can anchor or land, there are concrete tracks that form a road all the way to Long beach or Beach 6. This route offers easy access to all the points of interest that the property has to offer - miradors, nature preserves, shaded pathways, fresh water springs and miles of beaches to explore.


This property offers a once in a lifetime opportunity to own 142 hectares of Titled Land on the Island of Parida in the Gulf of Chiriqui.

farm house

concrete track





Beach 1- Between 2 islets
As you arrive in paradise, your boat glides into a bay protected by 2 volcanic islands, as the tides subside a white sand beach is revealed between them. At the lowest of tides you can wade through the water to reach the islands and the beautiful raw environment.

Beach 2- White Sand Cove
From the anchor point at Beach 3, a 10 minute walk West brings you over a small ridge to Beach 2. A white sand cove, from where you can wade to Beach 1.

Beach 3- Silver Sand
The best and easiest place to access the entire property is Beach 3, with a silver silty bottom, its easy for boats to both moor or beach themselves as it’s the most protected bay. The sand has silt from the fresh water stream that pours into the bay, and the coast is lined by 50 foot palms trees. There is a farmer’s home on this beach, chickens, and a carral for the cattle.

Beach 4 – Pebble Beach
Follow the concrete trail up and over the Eastern Ridge towards 3 oceanfront plateaus. Between 2 you will find access to a pebbly beach, where you will find square basalt stones, and collect interesting drift wood.

Beach 5 – Small Golden Sand Beach
Continue along the concrete track to a breathtaking cove, climb over some large stones to reach the Golden sand, this beach is perfect for swimming. It feels private and secluded.

Beach 6 – Long Beach White Sand
Separated from Beach 5 by a Nature Preserve peninsula, this beach is the longest and the most breathtaking. Rolling waves are predictable, and the views face straight South. Whales can be seen breaching in the distance.


The Pacific Island Paradise is located about 30 minutes by boat from the quaint fishing town of Boca Chica on the mainland of Chiriqui. Alternatively you can access the island by a 1 hour boat ride via the port of Pedregal, which is only 5 minutes from the airport of David. Boats can moor, or land on Beach 3, where a river mouth meets the bay. From this access point the adventure begins.


Within the Gulf of Chiriqui Park, there are zones where eco-commercial activity is accepted. Luckily being located in this Yellow Zone means that the project you plan here can to be reviewed by two bodies, the usual ministry of tourism, as well as the ministry of environment. The property exists in 2 separate plots of land, under 2 separate titles.



multiple beach accesses

multiple fresh water sources



A destination waiting to be discovered by the world at large, the Gulf of Chiriqui offers unspoiled coastal and marine environments that rival the best on the Pacific coasts of Central America and Mexico. The heart of the Gulf is the archipelago of the Paridas Islands: Parida, Paridita, Tintorera, Gámez, Bolaños, and 30 other islands and islets, where waters teem with life. Turtles, dolphins, whales, hammerhead sharks and giant rays all exisit in healthy numbers, and the area has one of the largest coral reefs in the Pacific. The Islands host birds like the red-lored parrot, pale-vented pigeon, and brown-throated parakeet, as well as reptiles like the green iguana, the black and green poison dart frog, and we can’t forget the impressive leatherback sea turtle, which lays its eggs on the island’s beaches. The Gulf encompasses Isla Coiba’s National Park, and is linked by ocean currents to the Galapagos, Galapagos seals can be seen on the coasts of Isla Montuosa! The most fascinating natural phenomenon in the area are the Humback Whales who gather from both the Northern and Southern hemispheres to meet, mate and give birth in the warm protected bays of the Archipelagos.

The Gulf of Chiriqui’s diverse fishery is remarkable because of its unique bathymetry, dominated by undersea structure and currents. The banks and pinnacles around the various island groups, like the fishing grounds at the famed Hannibal Bank and near Isla Montuosa, are fed by the nutrient rich waters of the Humboldt Current. This strong underwater current flows north, along the west side of South America, up into the Gulf of Chiriqui. This drives the cold, nutrient-rich water from the ocean floor bringing it to the surface. These nutrients support abundant microscopic life, which in turn supports a chain of ever-larger baitfish bringing the larger predatory pelagics here to hunt. It is common to come across huge schools of boiling Yellowfin Tuna in “Tuna Frenzies” or to see Black Marlin exploding on the surface while feeding at these offshore banks. Fishing in the Gulf of Chiriqui is most definitely unique as the scenic inshore fishery presents seemingly endless opportunities as well.

- Sport Fish Panama, Fishing lodge



Pacific Paradise with Access to 6 Beaches

9,990,000 USD

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ID: 0444

Fecha agregada:










Tamaño del lote:

142 hectares


Isla Parida, Chiriqui, Panama


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Plage de la tortue Drago cote nord d Isla Colon

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Plage de la tortue Drago cote nord d Isla Colon


La propriété de Drago Turtle Beach est parfaite pour : une école de la nature ou des excursions éducatives.

Faites équipe avec le Smithsonian, le Panama Field Study ou le Turtle Conservancy. Venez nombreux ! Pour admirer les merveilles de la jungle et de la mer.

La propriété Drago Turtle Beach est parfaite pour : Une retraite dans la jungle

De nos jours, les voyages sont synonymes d'expériences, les jours où l'on se fait cuire la peau sur la plage sont révolus... Offrez à vos invités des souvenirs qui dureront toute une vie, en apprenant le cycle de vie des tortues et en soutenant 1 tortue sur 1000 qui survit pour accomplir son rituel de nidification.

La propriété Drago Turtle Beach est parfaite pour : Les défenseurs de l'environnement

Le vert est le nouvel or 🙂 .

Si vous aimez la propriété Drago Turtle Beach, veuillez consulter la page Conservation de Roots Real Estate Panama.


farm house

concrete track
