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A comfortable haven nestled in undisturbed Jungle, this home is surrounded by the sounds of nature, while located only 20 minutes from town.  The home is just a few minutes walk from big beautiful Bluff Beach, a protected nesting site for leatherback, hawksbill and green sea turtles between March and October. Perched up in the woods, on a private road, the sounds of the crashing waves are muted, and a feeling of serenity can't be missed.



Rain water collection

Solar pannels




The 1 bedroom , 1 bathroom jungle home runs on a Solar System with lithium batteries. It is plumbed by a gravity fed rain water catchment system, so no pump is needed. There is a second tank for hot water with a pump for the bathroom and Kitchen.

The house has been designed to accommodate a second bedroom extention with ensuite bathroom. Plumbing is already set up for the easy add on, and the separate enterance would render it a great Vacation Rental. The kitchen has custom cedar cabinetry and window dressings and the home comes with  a full laundry room, and the floors are made of pest resistant Nispero ( hard to get your hands on these days!). The outside living area of the home steps down to a recently built private plunge pool and fountain, the perfect cool tub for humid afternoons in the jungle.


The property is divided by three flat areas, which blend the garden into the jungle. The lower flat garden lot is spectacular and has great potential as a building site with room for 1 or 2 Cabanas; plumbing and septic are already installed in this location. A small tiled bathroom with a shower, toilet and sink currently stands there for gardeners.

The jungle home is located on the middle plateau, surrounded by a thriving vegetable garden, producing  tomatoes, squash, pepper, basil, eggplant, cucumber, beans, spinach and herbs and a recently added plunge pool!

The third, upper part of the property can be accessed by the construction of a short set of steps behind the house past the gently sloped garden. These would lead to a flat upper meadow with a perennial stream. Numerous springs provide perfect opportunities for drilling a wells for back up water, and adding further to the self-sufficiency of this incredible property are the mature fruiting plants in every garden. Each sloped portion of the land has been planted with Permaculture techniques to prevent erosion and provide endless supplies of fresh fruit.  Outside of the veggie garden the list of plants on the land include:

Morniga, Noni, Yucca, Yampi, Sugar cane, Cacao, Banana( 3 types), Plaintain, Lime, Lemon, Otoi, Guanabana, Soursop, Guava, Mamuchino, Pineapple, Mango, Breadfruit, Water apple, Coconut, Dashing, Papaya, Avocado, Aji, Katuk, Ginger and Turmeric



Proximity to Beach



Daily wildlife encounters at the Lovely Jungle Home near Bluff Beach include: Sloths, Howler Monkeys, Capuchin Monkeys, Kinkajous, Toucans, Parrots, seasonal turtles, Iguanas, and many species of frogs and geckos!

If you are interested in moving closer to nature, visit Roots Real Estate Panama's Off Grid page.


Lovely Jungle Home steps from the beach

USD 299,000

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ID: 0157

Fecha agregada:










Tamaño del lote:

4000 m2


Playa Bluff, Isla Colon, Bocas del Toro, Panama


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Plage de la tortue Drago cote nord d Isla Colon

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Roots Real Estate Panamá

Plage de la tortue Drago cote nord d Isla Colon


La propriété de Drago Turtle Beach est parfaite pour : une école de la nature ou des excursions éducatives.

Faites équipe avec le Smithsonian, le Panama Field Study ou le Turtle Conservancy. Venez nombreux ! Pour admirer les merveilles de la jungle et de la mer.

La propriété Drago Turtle Beach est parfaite pour : Une retraite dans la jungle

De nos jours, les voyages sont synonymes d'expériences, les jours où l'on se fait cuire la peau sur la plage sont révolus... Offrez à vos invités des souvenirs qui dureront toute une vie, en apprenant le cycle de vie des tortues et en soutenant 1 tortue sur 1000 qui survit pour accomplir son rituel de nidification.

La propriété Drago Turtle Beach est parfaite pour : Les défenseurs de l'environnement

Le vert est le nouvel or 🙂 .

Si vous aimez la propriété Drago Turtle Beach, veuillez consulter la page Conservation de Roots Real Estate Panama.



Rain water collection

Solar pannels
